Factors Affecting Library Profession and Professional Image of Sri Lankan Librarians:An Overview


  • Department of Library and Information Science, University of Kelaniya




Library Profession, Professional Image, Professionalism, Professionalization, Professional Status.


Image of a profession is a significant area of interest. Substantial amount of literature has appeared on this subject, both in the West and the East. It is important to study the professional image of Sri Lankan Librarians in a rapidly changing social, economic, political and ICT environment. The principal objective of this study is to study the image of Sri Lankan library professionals. The other objectives are to explore what is professional image, to examine the mechanism and environmental factors affecting the professional image of Sri Lankan Librarians, to investigate the mindsets and personal and professional factors affecting the image of Sri Lankan librarians, to identify the obstacles and hindrances facing Sri Lankan library profession and professionals and finally to design and present a model for developing image of librarians and the library profession of Sri Lanka. The study is scrutinized with a proactive approach and it is not the intention to pass any sarcastic criticism against the profession or professionals.


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Author Biography

W. A. Weerasooriya, Department of Library and Information Science, University of Kelaniya

I am Weerasooriya Arachchillage Weerasooriya born on 29th. 08. 1960 a Sri Lankan by descent. After passing the Bachelor of Arts in Library and Information Science) (Special) at the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka in 1984,  I was appointed as an Assistant Librarian at University of Ruhuna library and  later worked in the same position in the University of Colombo and promoted to Senior Asst. Librarian. Then I was appointed to Senor Lecturer post at the University of Kelaniya where I studied.  I secured M.Lib Degree in 1992 and a Ph.D. in 2008.  I was promoted to a post of Professor in 2000.  I have published two books and 



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How to Cite

Weerasooriya, W. A. (2016). Factors Affecting Library Profession and Professional Image of Sri Lankan Librarians:An Overview. Journal of Information and Knowledge, 53(3), 165–169. https://doi.org/10.17821/srels/2016/v53i3/64544



Received 2015-04-09
Accepted 2016-05-20
Published 2016-06-20