Web 2.0 Technologies in IIT Libraries: A Study
India, Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs), Internet, Web Resources, Web Services, Web 2.0 ToolsAbstract
Academic libraries all over the world are striving hard to offer high quality services as they are facing stiff competition from other resource discovery tools like Google, etc. Libraries must find new ways in which users can interact with library resources and services because mere presence of services on web does not appeal to users. Web 2.0 application tools bring fundamental changes in the way libraries operate. The academic libraries may use these application tools to create new environment to promote their web-based resources and services and involve users in two-way communication. The present study examines the status of web 2.0 tools in IIT libraries. The study revealed that libraries are not utilizing full potential of web 2.0 tools. The study also revealed the lack of awareness of these tools among users.Downloads
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Accepted 2018-01-05
Published 2017-01-24