Dspace or Fedora: Which is a Better Solution?


  • Yasin Meo Degree College, Nuh - 122107, Haryana




Digital Library, Dspace, Dublin Core, DuraSpace, Fedora, Metadata, Open Access Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI PMH), OpenDOAR, Open Source Software, Registry of Open Access Repositories (ROAR), Unicode, Interoperability


This paper presents a comparative study of two popular Digital Library Software, Dspace and Fedora. The paper begins with brief descriptions of Open Source Software systems and Digital libraries, and presents a comparison of Dspace and Fedora in two tables based on a set criterion. The study suggests that though Fedora provides the best repository framework as compared to other digital repository software systems, it appeals to high technical end users and as a result there are not as many installations of the software.


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How to Cite

Khan, S. (2019). Dspace or Fedora: Which is a Better Solution?. Journal of Information and Knowledge, 56(1), 45–50. https://doi.org/10.17821/srels/2019/v56i1/139265
Received 2018-11-29
Accepted 2019-02-01
Published 2019-02-28