A Gap Analysis to Measure Service Quality of Agricultural and Medical University Libraries of Haryana and Punjab States of India through Users’ Perspectives: Applying LibQUAL+ Model


  • Nehru Library, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar – 125004, Haryana




Agricultural Libraries, Gap Analysis, India, LibQUAL , Measuring Service Quality, Medical Libraries, Service Quality


The study is aimed at investigating the gaps in user’s perception of quality of services provided by the agricultural and medical university libraries of Haryana and Punjab. This study is conducted with the help of locally modified questionnaire based on LibQUAL+ tool. Findings of the study revealed wide gaps on all the dimensions of LibQUAL+ tool across universities under study. However, among the agricultural universities, the users at HAU were happier with the library services as compared to the users of PAU. On the other hand, among the medical universities, users of BFUHS were more satisfied with the library services as compared to the users of PBDSUS. Overall, the agricultural university libraries were providing good quality services as compared to medical university libraries.


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How to Cite

Partap, B. (2021). A Gap Analysis to Measure Service Quality of Agricultural and Medical University Libraries of Haryana and Punjab States of India through Users’ Perspectives: Applying LibQUAL+ Model. Journal of Information and Knowledge, 58(2), 117–125. https://doi.org/10.17821/srels/2021/v58i2/152476



Received 2020-05-14
Accepted 2021-03-30
Published 2021-04-04