Delivering E-governance services in Bangladesh through Libraries and Information Centers: Realities, Challenges and Possibilities


  • Prime Minister’s Office, Dhaka - 1215
  • University of Dhaka - 1000



Bangladesh, E-governance, Library and Information Center, Library and Information Services


Bangladesh is trying to achieve Smart Bangladesh Vision 2041 to put the country on a new, sustainable path of growth while also serving as a role model for other developing nations. With that goal in mind, the government is trying to introduce e-governance services in every government sector. This study looks into user perspectives, obstacles, and suggestions for offering e-governance services through libraries and information centres. A proposed e-governance service delivery model for public libraries is also presented in this paper.


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How to Cite

Islam, M. M., & Sunvy, A. S. (2024). Delivering E-governance services in Bangladesh through Libraries and Information Centers: Realities, Challenges and Possibilities. Journal of Information and Knowledge, 61(1), 19–28.