Promoting Digital Literacy: The Uptake of OER by Members of Faculty in Teaching and Research for a Technological Transition in Institutions of Higher Learning


  • Department of Library and Information Studies, Kisii University, Kisii
  • Department of Library and Information Studies, Kenya Methodist University, Meru
  • Department of Computing Sciences, Kisii University, Kisii



Academic Institutions, Digital Literacy, Members of Faculty, OER, Teaching and Research, Uptake of OER


In this era of technology, Open Education Resources (OER) are seen as opportunities to give access to high-quality educational and informative materials internationally. The sharing of knowledge and information resources is the primary goal of higher education institutions. Thus, the ladder of education as a means of achieving social and economic mobility is removed using OER. Libraries across the world are rethinking their programs and operations to better fit the needs of the modern world. Successful library services in Africa depend on providing everyone with information and knowledge. The majority of OER initiatives centre on the formal education sector, which includes polytechnics, universities, and colleges. In Kenya’s higher education institutions, not much is being done to promote OER. Understanding and keeping up with the changing nature of the knowledge landscape is essential for effective change management in the library profession. Despite the severe financial situations faced by many institutions, there is a growing need for teaching resources and support systems. Through a review of faculty members’ uptake of OER in teaching and research, this study aims to advance digital literacy in Kenyan higher education institutions. The survey design was used, and data was collected using questionnaires. The population was 655 members of faculty. The findings have implications for universities and libraries on curriculum development and updating the existing one. The observation will influence universities, stakeholders and other regulatory bodies to establish policies supporting the adoption of OER and create effective frameworks for OER uptake for teaching and research by faculty members at universities in Kenya.


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How to Cite

Muthanga, B. N., Maku, P. G., & Ogalo, J. O. (2024). Promoting Digital Literacy: The Uptake of OER by Members of Faculty in Teaching and Research for a Technological Transition in Institutions of Higher Learning. Journal of Information and Knowledge, 61(1), 53–62.