Digital Literacy as a Tool for Enhancing Access and Utilization of Digital Information - A Case Study in Kenya


  • 1School of Information Science and Technology, Kisii University, P. O Box 40840200 Kisii
  • Senior Lecturer, Department of Library and Information Sciences, Kisii University, P. O Box 40840200 Kisii
  • Professor, Department of Computing Sciences, Kisii University, P. O Box 40840200 Kisii



Academic Staff, Digital Literacy, Digital Resources, Kenya, University Libraries, Utilization


Technology is pervading every aspect of our lives. Therefore, the skills to navigate and accomplish tasks through technology have to be developed. Digital literacy is a tool for promoting effective access to and utilisation of digital information. This study investigates the adequacy of digital literacy skills among academic staff in selected public universities in Kenya. Data was collected using questionnaires and interview guides from 113 participants comprising 86 academic staff, 23 library staff and 4 university librarians. SPSS was used to analyse quantitative data while qualitative data was analyzed thematically. The findings showed that academic staff believed to be digitally literate could not practically use the skills in accessing and utilizing digital information. The study recommends continuous digital literacy training for both academic staff and library staff.


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How to Cite

Tenya, A. N., Maina, J. C., & Awuor, F. M. (2024). Digital Literacy as a Tool for Enhancing Access and Utilization of Digital Information - A Case Study in Kenya. Journal of Information and Knowledge, 61(3), 125–133.


