The Nucleus: An International Journal of Cytology and Allied Topics - a Bibliometric Study


  • Department of Library and Information Science, Mangalore University, Mangalore
  • Department of Library and Information Science, Mangalore University, Mangalore



The Nucleus, An Intenational Journal of Cytology and Allied Topics, Citations, Core Journals, Articles, Bibliometric Analysis.


Analyses articles published during 1992-95 in the journal 'The Nucleus: An International Journal of Cytology and Allied Topics', to find the most frequently cited periodicals by the biological scientists in India. A list of 115 most commonly cited periodicals has been prepared. In addition to this, identifies the types of publication cited. Authorship pattern of contributions and countrywise distribution of frequently cited periodicals are also included.


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How to Cite

Adithya Kumari, H., & Shivaram Rao, K. (2014). The Nucleus: An International Journal of Cytology and Allied Topics - a Bibliometric Study. Journal of Information and Knowledge, 37(1), 59–74.



Received 2013-10-09
Accepted 2013-10-09