What Does Knowledge Organization Mean in a Big Data Environment?


  • Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia
  • Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia




Knowledge Organization, Big Data, Web Environment, Digital Environment.


Big Data changes the context and functional requirements of knowledge organization. It is necessary to view knowledge organization through the lens of Big Data, in particular, through the dimensions of Volume, Velocity, Variety and Veracity, as well as through the Functional Goals of the user. In this paper, we explore the challenges of knowledge organization in the Big Data Environment and suggest that knowledge organization must evolve to support the integration of structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data (Variety), support real time use of streaming data (Velocity), and provide confidence and support metrics (Veracity), all in the support of the functional goals of the user.


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How to Cite

Shepherd, M., & Watters, C. (2013). What Does Knowledge Organization Mean in a Big Data Environment?. Journal of Information and Knowledge, 50(6), 819–829. https://doi.org/10.17821/srels/2013/v50i6/43830
Received 2013-12-26
Accepted 2013-12-26
Published 2013-12-12