Survey of Aquatic and Fisheries Information System Capacity in the Region of Cochin, Kerala


  • Dept. of Library and Information Science, Karpagam University, Coimbatore- 641021, Tamil Nadu
  • Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala



Aquatic and Fisheries Information Capacity, Aquatic and Fisheries Information System, Aquatic and Fisheries Institutes


The present study evaluates the information capacity of the aquatic and fisheries institutions in the region of Cochin, Kerala. Cochin is in an advantageous position for the development of the sector. Institutions, small and large numbering 29 within the geographical proximity of 6 km radius in Cochin is an added factor for information resource sharing and cooperative information services and ventures for the benefit of stakeholders in India and Cochin region in particular. The present study gives an overview of the institutions in the region regarding their activities, information resources, services, infrastructure and dissemination mechanisms. Characterization of these institutions has been tried by considering the presence or absence of parameters of information system viz Information Resources, Information Services, Information Dissemination, Information Infrastructure and Information Domains together which it is termed “Information Capacity” in this study. As the result of the study, the top ranking institution that can play the central role in the regional information network activities in the field of aquatic and fisheries sector has been identified.


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How to Cite

Jayapradeep, M., & Raman Nair, R. (2013). Survey of Aquatic and Fisheries Information System Capacity in the Region of Cochin, Kerala. Journal of Information and Knowledge, 49(5), 511–527.



Received 2013-12-26
Accepted 2013-12-26