Use Pattern of Conventional Resources/Internet Resources by the Research Scholars of University of Jammu, J&K: a Survey


  • PG Dept. of History,University of Jammu (J&K)
  • DLIS, University of Jammu (J&K)



Research Scholars, Information Resources, Use Pattern, University of Jammu


The present study attempts to find out the use pattern of various conventional as well as internet resources by the research scholars of all the faculties of the University of Jammu. It has been found that most of the research scholars use the internet for research purpose. Among all the internet resources, on line search is preferred by less than half of the scholars on once in a day basis. Slow speed of access was identified as the major problem while surfing internet. As compared to conventional resources internet resources are easy to use, time saving, more informative and more useful. But in spite of all these advantages of internet resources over conventional resources, print resources are still preferred by the scholars. No doubt more number of research scholars claim that their frequency of using conventional resources has decreased after using internet resources but a considerable percentage of research scholars say the frequency has increased and for some of them there is no change in the use of print resources.


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How to Cite

Sharma, B., & Lalotra, S. (2013). Use Pattern of Conventional Resources/Internet Resources by the Research Scholars of University of Jammu, J&K: a Survey. Journal of Information and Knowledge, 50(1), 101–114.
Received 2013-12-27
Accepted 2013-12-27
Published 2013-02-04