Librarianship as a Career Choice in Tamil Nadu State, India
Career Planning, Job Satisfaction, Library Professional, Tamil NaduAbstract
The study examined librarianship as a career choice in Tamil Nadu State, India. The survey research design was adopted, with the Career Choice, a structured questionnaire was developed and self administered. In all, 65 library professional participants of different National Seminars/Conferences/Workshops in Tamil Nadu have responded on a random basis. The study identified factors which influenced the choice of career and whether they are satisfied with their career. Absolute majority respondents reported that they were satisfied with their career in librarianship. The paper concludes with suggestions to measure the perception on the image of Library and Information Science, academic learning in terms of content and relevance for LIS professional and competencies and skills required of all LIS professionals.Downloads
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Accepted 2013-12-27
Published 2013-02-04