Use of the Libraries of Colleges of Education by Students of B.Ed. Course in Punjab: a Case Study
Colleges of Education, Resources and Services, PunjabAbstract
Present paper reports the results of a study conducted to ascertain the use of the libraries of colleges of education by the students of B.Ed. course in Punjab. A survey was conducted through questionnaire to know the opinion of students about the resources and services of their respective college libraries. In total 1119 questionnaires were administered and 1084 were received back completed. Users‟ responses on different aspects including frequency of visit to libraries, purpose of visiting, type of documents used, awareness about library services, use of resources and services, satisfaction with resources and services etc. has been discussed. An overview of the growth and development of teacher education institutions has been provided. A brief account of the NCTE norms and standards about libraries of colleges of education is also given.Downloads
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National Council for Teacher Education. 2010. Available from (01-07-10).
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Accepted 2013-12-27