Use and Awareness of Internet at Education Colleges of Gadag City, Karnataka: A Case Study


  • College of Agriculture (UAS Raichur), Bheemarayanagudi,
  • Bangalore University, Bangalore, Karnataka



Internet Awareness, Colleges of Education, Gadag City.


This study is aimed at the Internet use and its impact among the education colleges of Gadag city. Structured questionnaire was designed to collect data. Out of 100 questionnaires, 90 filled in questionnaires were received back. The survey found out that, 98.89% of the total respondents use Internet only for e-mail facility, 94.44% respondents are using Google as the favorite search engine for accessing information, and 52.22% were not satisfied with the printing facilities available in their respective colleges. The study also highlights the suggestions made by the faculty and the students.


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How to Cite

Maraddi, K. S., & Konnur, P. V. (2012). Use and Awareness of Internet at Education Colleges of Gadag City, Karnataka: A Case Study. Journal of Information and Knowledge, 49(3), 325–330.



Received 2013-12-27
Accepted 2013-12-27
Published 2012-06-04