Growth of Bio-Fuel Literature: A Analytical Study


  • Scientific A. (B), SIRC, TIFR, Dr. Homi Bha
  • Dept. of Library and Information Science, Dr. Hari Singh Gour University, Sagar (M.P.) 470 003



Bio-Fuel, Fuel Energy, Bio-Fuel Plants, Alcohol Fuel, Bio-Petrol and Lubricants, Bibliometric Analysis.


This study carried out an analysis of the literature on Bio-fuel. The purpose was to study the periodic growth of literature, distribution of authorship, distribution of subject, bibliographical forms of literature, productivity ranking, and geographic origin of literature on the subject. Data was collected through physical verification of both primary and secondary sources of information. This data set was analyzed using various bibliographic characteristics. The findings show the increase in the literature bio-fuel since 1971 and USA, the leading country in undertaking Bio-fuel research. Most of the literature comes from Bio-diesel and Alcohol fuel. The geographical distribution shows that USA and India are the leading contributors to this literature.


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How to Cite

Arya, H. B., & Mishra, J. K. (2011). Growth of Bio-Fuel Literature: A Analytical Study. Journal of Information and Knowledge, 48(3), 349–355.



Received 2013-12-30
Accepted 2013-12-30
Published 2011-06-05