Sharing Knowledge Resources in Academic Libraries in India
Blogs, Institutional Knowledge Repository, Knowledge Acquiring, Knowledge Capturing, Knowledge Codification, Knowledge Creation, Knowledge Management, Knowledge Mapping, Wiki.Abstract
Academic libraries, especially the college and university libraries in India, saddled with limited budget, meager technological know-how and human resources are facing continuous challenges to cope up with the growing users expectations in the age of digital revolution. Success of academic libraries depends on their ability to identify the vast and diffused knowledge resources in the library; find out ways of how to share the knowledge for future utilization. This requires academic libraries to reappraise their roles and responsibilities, to effectively contribute to their continuous endeavor to satisfy the needs of their diverse academic clientele. The article introduces the concept of knowledge and knowledge sharing and describes the role of knowledge sharing tools in sharing both tacit and explicit knowledge, within and outside the institute, to effectively improve library services under available budget and manpower.Downloads
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Accepted 2013-12-30
Published 2011-06-12