Collection Development in Mangalore University Library: a User Study


  • Mangalore University Library, Mangalagangothri 574 199 (DK), Mangalore, Karnataka
  • Mangalore University Library, Mangalagangothri-574 199 (DK), Mangalore, Karnataka



Collection Development, UGC-infonet E-journals, User Survey


This paper examines the usefulness of collection development in a university library. Different activities are involved in developing need-based, up-to-date, and balanced collection to meet the document and information needs of the users. It is appropriate to know whether the existing collection of the library resources are adequate for readers to meet the information requirements in their academic, teaching, research and publication work. The study will; whether identify the required document/information is available or not to meet the user needs, examines the periodicals and other publications are on time at the library. The study also makes an attempt to know if the UGC-INFONET E-journals meet the user requirements.


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How to Cite

Mallaiah, T. Y., & Gowda, M. P. (2013). Collection Development in Mangalore University Library: a User Study. Journal of Information and Knowledge, 46(1), 73–80.



Received 2013-12-30
Accepted 2013-12-30