Workplace Design for Knowledge Workers in Digital Library (Paper C)


  • G-II, Physics, Jadarpur University, Kolkata 700032; Student of Post GraduateDiploma in Digital Library Management, DLIS, Jadarpur University, Kolkata 700032



Digital Library Ergonomics, Workstation Design, Workplace Ergonomics, Computer Workplace Ergonomics, Knowledge Workers’ Desk, Video Operator’s Distress Syndrome (VODS), Repetitive-Stress Injuries (RSIs), Cumulative Trauma Disorder (CTD)


Present study reveals the workplace design techniques for knowledge workers. Ergonomics has to be used in designing a knowledge centre or digital library. Here digital library is not in its strict sense. Present study comprises the combination of automated and digital libraries. Minimum attention is given in developing proper workstation in digital libraries having VDTs. Paper discusses various problems and disorders arising out from bad workplace. Enumerates some preventive and remedial measures and standards and recommendations about working condition of digital libraries.


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How to Cite

Jana, S. (2013). Workplace Design for Knowledge Workers in Digital Library (Paper C). Journal of Information and Knowledge, 44(1), 27–41.



Received 2013-12-30
Accepted 2013-12-30