Salient Features of the DDC 22 (2003)
Dewey Decimal Classification, DDC 22, Salient FeaturesAbstract
Organization, features and new changes in the 22nd editions of Dewey Decimal Classification are explained.Downloads
Dewey Decimal Classification and Relative index – 22nd ed/ed by Joan S. Mitchell, et. al. Dublin, OH.: OCLC, 2003. 4v (1xxvii, 731 p;xvi, 1250 p.;1074 p; 934 p) ISBN 0-910608-0-9 (Hb).
Comaromi (John P), et. al., A survey of the use of the Dewey Decimal Classification in the United States and Canada. Lake Placid, N.Y.: Forest Press, 1975, x, 290p (mimeographed).
Lawson (Dawn). “Abridged WebDewey brings electronic classification to smaller libraries” OCLC Newsletter. March/April 2002; p13.
Mitchell (Joan S). “DDC 22 offers many updates to Dewey users worldwide”. OCLC Newsletters. No. 261; July, 2003; p16-19.
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Accepted 2014-01-03