Access to Current Awareness Services in a few Academic Libraries in Madras
Current Awareness Services, Current Coutents, Academic Libraries, Library Cooperation.Abstract
Access to contents pages services by subscribing to various editions of CURRENT CONTENTS, a world class current awareness service or other indigenous services has been evaluated in a few academic libraries in Madras. The indigenous services are inadequate in serving the users' needs. Local efforts by the libraries individually and collectively in this much neglected services in Indian academic libraries would be more meaningful and rewarding. The study was conducted by visiting the libraries, analysing the current serials subscription and soliciting the views of the librarians by a structured interview. The subscription to Current Contents Titles at national level is analysed using the union catalogue holdings data.Downloads
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How to Cite
Murugesan, T. (1994). Access to Current Awareness Services in a few Academic Libraries in Madras. Journal of Information and Knowledge, 31(4), 217–222.
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Received 2014-05-17
Accepted 2014-05-17
Published 1994-12-07
Accepted 2014-05-17
Published 1994-12-07