Classification Practices among College Libraries in Karnataka State
Classification Practices, College Libraries, Karnataka StateAbstract
Reports the survey of five hundred and seventy one college libraries in Kamataka State with regard to classification of books, use of classification scheme, provision of book numbers, method used for providing book numbers, problems faced in classifying and the reasons for not classifying the books. It is found that three hundred and eighty-four of five hundred and seventy-one college libraries classify the books. DDC (209) and CC (140) are the schemes chiefly used. Book numbers are provided in two hundred and sixty-eight college libraries out of which one hundred and seventy-nine college libraries follow Ranganathan's book number. Inadequate staff (N= 216), inter-disciplinary nature of books (N=128) and identification of specific subjects (N=77) are the major problems in classifying the books. Inadequate staff (N=150). insufficient funds to purchase the classification schedules (N=77), lack of support from the authorities (N=39), and lack of interest (N=15) are the major reasons for not classifying the books. Concludes that unless the problems are solved or minimized it is difficult to expect the college librarians to classify the books.Downloads
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How to Cite
Tadasad, P. G., & Maheswarappa, B. S. (2002). Classification Practices among College Libraries in Karnataka State. Journal of Information and Knowledge, 39(2), 211–218.
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Received 2014-05-19
Accepted 2014-05-19
Published 2002-01-02
Accepted 2014-05-19
Published 2002-01-02