Internet in Pharmacy Education and Research


  • National Institute of Engineering, Mysore
  • Department of library and Information Science, University of Mysore, Mysore
  • Department of library and Information Science, University of Mysore, Mysore



Pharmacy Education and Research, Internet, Web Address


Pharmacy profession is as old as the existence of medicine as well as the existence of mankind and along with other technical professions it plays a very vital role in a nation's development. In the current era of cyber technology, where the computer application is much appreciated, the pharmacy education and research has also been enriched by application of information technology all around. Recent developments in computer, communication and networking technology have given new meaning to information retrieval systems. Today information sharing is achieved through networks. The network of networks on the global scale is known as the Internet. the information super highway, and it is growing at the rate of ten percent monthly, connecting more than 1,300,000 domains having about 40 million users. A thorough update knowledge on every aspect of information technology is a must to enrich our knowledge with the happenings around the world. By this communication we have tried to extract the web address of different pharmaceutical education and research institutions including web address related to some diseases which will definitely help to get more information based on the cyber knowledge. Besides this the web page details of some important pharmaceutical journals which have valuable contribution in this field have also been included. Thuss these finding will be of immense help to all the professiona1s engaged in education and research in pharmacy.


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How to Cite

Shivashankar, N. P., Venkatesh, Y., & Talawar, V. G. (2014). Internet in Pharmacy Education and Research. Journal of Information and Knowledge, 40(4), 391–396.
Received 2014-05-20
Accepted 2014-05-20