Computer Simulation of some Steps in Classifying : Built-in Features of a Theory-based Scheme for Classification (Classification Problems, 66). (Non-conventional Methods in Document Retrieval. 15)
The work done on a procedure for the assembly of the components of Class Number according to a freely-faceted analytico-synthetic scheme for classification with the aid of computer, given the kernel terms of a subject, is referred to. The particular built-in features of a scheme for classification designed on the basis of the General Theory of Library Classification which facilitates simulation on computer the assembly of the components of a subject - in kernel terms or as a Class Number-coextensively representing the given subject, are examined. The different variety of ideas recognised and the guiding principles for their arrangement in a helpful sequence provided by the General Theory of Library Classification are discussed with illustrative examples. An alternative procedure, using the alphabetical index to the schedules, for simulation of some of the steps in the classifying process, is briefly outlined.Downloads
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How to Cite
Neelameghan, A. (1972). Computer Simulation of some Steps in Classifying : Built-in Features of a Theory-based Scheme for Classification (Classification Problems, 66). (Non-conventional Methods in Document Retrieval. 15). Journal of Information and Knowledge, 9(4), 499–522.
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Received 2014-05-23
Accepted 2014-05-23
Published 1972-12-03
Accepted 2014-05-23
Published 1972-12-03