Comparison of Complexity of Notational Systems of UDC and CC - A Quantitative Approach
An unique method of assessing the complexity of the notational systems of UDC and CC is discussed. The complexity is quantified by defining an Unit of Complexity as a function of mixed Base of the notational system. The correlation of length and complexity of a sample of class numbers with increasing co-extensiveness are examined. The co-efficient of correlation at micro-document and macro-document levels are evaluated for UDC and CC and are compared. The data is fitted for a linear regression line by least-square method, which gives a prediction of the complexity with the length of the class number.Downloads
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How to Cite
Meghanatha Reddy, K. (1984). Comparison of Complexity of Notational Systems of UDC and CC - A Quantitative Approach. Journal of Information and Knowledge, 21(2), 109–116.
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Received 2014-05-23
Accepted 2014-05-23
Published 1984-01-02
Accepted 2014-05-23
Published 1984-01-02