Application of Computers to Housekeeping Operations in Libraries
This paper outlines preliminary steps to be taken and. the mechanics involved at different stages in initiating software, Database, Data Dictionary and preparing Data Transmitted sheet for the purpose of developing program language and programming for any one of the House Keeping Operations. While preparing this paper the Indian Institute of Science Library operations are kept in mind. The various steps involved are described with reference to automating the Periodical Section of the Library. The steps involved in initiating Software and Data Base for such a system are : Description of the present system and its drawbacks; preparation of File Records/Fields/Data Dictionary/Data-Base and format for Data Transmittal sheet. These steps are essential for a Management Information System Software Package for Periodicals.Downloads
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How to Cite
Iyengar, T. K. S. (2014). Application of Computers to Housekeeping Operations in Libraries. Journal of Information and Knowledge, 23(2), 103–125.
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Received 2014-05-26
Accepted 2014-05-26
Accepted 2014-05-26