Development of Reference Retrieval System with Simultaneous Building up of Thesaurus for Industrial Information Centres (Thesaurus Series. 5)


  • NICMAP, Central Machine Tool Institute, Bangalore-560022



In the development of a reference retrieval system, one of the common problems faced is that whether to build a thesaurus first and then use it for indexing the documents or to index the documents by free terms and then construct the thesaurus after accumulating a good number of terms. In most of the cases a via-media between the two is advantageous.

This article discusses the above problem and suggests a method of developing a reference retrieval system in which building up of the index file and thesaurus go hand in hand.


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How to Cite

Sudarshan, B. (1979). Development of Reference Retrieval System with Simultaneous Building up of Thesaurus for Industrial Information Centres (Thesaurus Series. 5). Journal of Information and Knowledge, 16(3), 77–83.
Received 2014-06-12
Accepted 2014-06-12
Published 1979-01-03