Status of College Librarians Based on Some Colleges under Bombay University Within the Limits of Bombay City


  • S.H.P.T. School of Library Science, S.N.D.T. University, Bombay 400 020



Identifies the factors that determine the status of librarianship. A sample survey of 37 college libraries under the jurisdiction of Bombay University in Bombay City, reveals that the librarianship is yet to gain its true status. The role of librarians as administrators is not strong; the authority is weak both from legal point of view as well as expertise point of view. This study indicates that the librarian is one who is more concerned about his intellectual contributions than administrative abilities; but he does not feel the necessity in developing himself intellectually through further long term education. He/she is not highly concerned about his/her rightful territory of activities and is definitely not assertive of his/her expert authority. The college librarians therefore need to think of positive steps to enhance their status and prestige. Taking more positive approach on assuming responsibility and decisionmaking in library systems and services is a necessity in this respect.


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How to Cite

Sen, B. (1991). Status of College Librarians Based on Some Colleges under Bombay University Within the Limits of Bombay City. Journal of Information and Knowledge, 28(1), 5–13.



Received 2014-06-12
Accepted 2014-06-12
Published 1991-01-01