National Earth Sciences Data Centre in G. S. I.
A scheme for the establishment of a National Earth Sciences Data Centre (NESDC) within the framework of the NISSAT Plan is presented. The Geological Survey of India has already collected vast amount of information and has been maintaining a number of information files. These could form the nucleus of the proposed NESDC. The present files will have to be converted into machine-readable form in stages. While designing the NESDC system, attention should be given to systems compatibility so that this system could interface with other systems within the country and elsewhere.Downloads
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How to Cite
Murthy, M. V. N. (1978). National Earth Sciences Data Centre in G. S. I. Journal of Information and Knowledge, 15(1), 19–23.
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Received 2014-06-13
Accepted 2014-06-13
Published 1978-03-06
Accepted 2014-06-13
Published 1978-03-06