Modular Faceted Marker Passing in Textual Data
The problem of the automatic text analysis with the aim to prepare some appropriate representations for different kinds of information systems is outlined. The starting point is Ranganathan's full title creation and analysis, which is very important for the national bibliography system, but in a fun automatic environment. The faceted marker passing theory is elaborated and used. The implementation is given on the metainformational base or metaknowledge base with modular construction of the recognition dictionary. The information flow principle in a semantic network-like structure is applied based on information nuclei and novel entity concept constructs. The underlying model is an algebraic model of fundamental categories formulated as a complex semantic relational model of text.Downloads
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How to Cite
Ciganik, M. (1992). Modular Faceted Marker Passing in Textual Data. Journal of Information and Knowledge, 29(1), 32–40.
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Received 2014-06-16
Accepted 2014-06-16
Published 1992-01-01
Accepted 2014-06-16
Published 1992-01-01