References Appeared in the Articles Published in IASLIC Bulletin (2010-2012): A Study of Recency


  • Sonarpur Mahavidyalaya, Kolkata -700149



Average Weighted Recency, Citation Analysis, Recency, Weighted Recency


The aim of this paper is to study recency, weighted recency and Average Rated Recency of the cited items in the articles published in IASLIC Bulletin during the period from 2010 to 2012 using statistical methods.


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How to Cite

Sardar, N. K. (2014). References Appeared in the Articles Published in IASLIC Bulletin (2010-2012): A Study of Recency. Journal of Information and Knowledge, 51(5), 327–332.



Received 2014-10-22
Accepted 2014-10-22