MSc-Information Science [Quantum Information Science] Specialization: Its Requirement and Proposed Model for Future I-School Dedicated to Next Generation Information-Technology-Community Interaction
Informatics, Information, Information Schools, I-Schools, Quantum Computing, MSc-Information Science, MSc-Information Science [QIS], Technology Information Science.Abstract
Information and its requirement is increasing day by day. Each and every sector, business, society, and family dealing purely depends on information and similar content as far as today's age is concerned. Out of so many stakeholders of information and its development, Information Science is treated as most important. Information Science [IS] as a domain started in the mid of 1960's and 1970's; but got strong recognition during 1980's-90s'. The advancement of tools and technologies changes the entire arena of conventional Information Science and makes this is an important Applied Science of repute. The interaction and integration of Information Science with domain create some more fields out of which Quantum Information Science is valuable due to its wonderful performance in information infrastructure building. The paper talks about MSc-Information Science with Quantum Information Science context and highlights about the potentiality of MSc- Information Science [QIS] in Information Schools or I-Schools for overall community development.Downloads
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Accepted 2015-03-23
Published 2015-04-01