Study of Rural Libraries: With Special Reference to Chalantika Library of Gurudeva Rabindranath Tagore at Surrounding Villages of Sriniketan, Visva-Bharati
Chalantika Library, Rural Extension Centre (REC), Rural Library, Rural Mobile Library, Rural Reconstruction, Rabindranath Tagore.Abstract
Background: Gurudeva Rabindranath Tagore had introduced rural library services as a part of rural reconstruction with a voluntary zeal. The service is still continuing by the Visva-Bharati through the Rural Extension Centre (REC) and with the financial assistance of the Raja Rammohan Roy Library Foundation (RRRLF), Kolkata. With the advancement of the society as well as in the field of technology, the library services have gradually shifted from their traditional concept. Therefore, it is a common thing to assume that the rural library services of Visva-Bharati have also to be changed for coping up with the recent trends and to meet the changing requirements of the rural people. Objectives of the study: In this context the present study is an attempt to explore the status of rural libraries controlled by REC, Visva-Bharati with all its required facets, e.g. annual additions, services offered by and activities performed by the rural library, the age group, gender, educational, occupational status of the rural library managers, readers visited, fund provision&its utilization, statement of furniture and programme organized by the libraries are taken into consideration. Methods and materials: The entire study is based on last five years annual report as prepared by the REC, Visva-Bharati. For data analysis, Tabular form of data presentation, Bar Chart, Histogram and Pie charts are being used as statistical techniques. Findings: The study has revealed that the most of the rural libraries are suffering from insufficient infrastructure, insufficient resources and lack of willingness of the rural people to work as librarian and assistant librarian to run the libraries as well as to be active members/readers of the library. Anticipated Result: The findings may come into help to the authority (REC, Visva-Bhaarti and RRRLF, Kolkata) for adopting appropriate measures to overcome the hurdles and make the services more popular to the village people for their development.Downloads
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Accepted 2015-05-25
Published 2015-06-01