Evolution of Mutual Efforts in Libraries:The Consortia Boom


  • Library, Documentation and Information Science Division, Indian Statistical Institute, 203, Barrackpore Trunk Road, Kolkata 700108, West Bengal




Collaborative Librarianship, Consortia Boom, India, Library Cooperation, Mutual Efforts, Strategic Alliance.


Library cooperation has been experienced by librarians for long. Indeed mutual efforts were viewed as essential by the early leaders of modern librarianship. This paper reviews the progressive development of library cooperation, and draws attention to the mutual-efforts done in libraries during sixteenth century and beyond. Thus gradual development of strategic alliances between the libraries has been discussed, and success stories are noted emphasizing on the initiatives in India. It also provides a brief historical sketch of library consortia, which was evident in the 1930s. The paper recognizes the importance of electronic consortium and their growth in the present century. Consortia are being treated as means for libraries to survive. Finally, as technological advancements have been alleviating many ills of information sharing activities; therefore, the spirits of cooperation are reinforced and mode of cooperation has undergone transformation and consortia boom is prevalent across the globe.


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How to Cite

Pal, J. K. (2016). Evolution of Mutual Efforts in Libraries:The Consortia Boom. Journal of Information and Knowledge, 53(4), 317–321. https://doi.org/10.17821/srels/2016/v53i4/84262



Received 2015-12-05
Accepted 2016-07-12
Published 2016-08-05