Elephant Research Publications: A Scientometric Analysis on Cab Direct for the Period (1959-2013)


  • Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Madras Veterinary College, Chennai-600007




CAB Direct, Elephant Research, India, Scientometrics Study.


This paper, analyses publication output within the field of elephant analysis as indexed in CAB Direct Online database covering the period (1959-2013). It reports on India's comparative strength in world science and technology output during this field. It is observed a complete of 5,148 publications was published throughout the year (1959-2013) as per CAB Direct Online. The common range of publications published per year was 109 papers. The highest number of 298 papers was published within the year 2013. The study reveals that India is the top country in elephant analysis with its contribution of 838 papers that is sort of (16.27%) of the worldwide research output on elephant analysis followed by Egypt with 480 papers (9.32%). Saudi Arabia ranks third position with 361 papers (7.01%). The foremost well-linked journals by the scientists concerned in elephant analysis were: Journal of Camel Practice and Analysis with 846 papers (16.43%) followed by Assiut Veterinary Medical Journal with 249 papers (4.84%). The study revealed that out of top five most welllinked journals by the elephant researchers, three journals viz., Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 242 papers (4.70%) and Indian Veterinary Journal 198 papers (3.85%) are published from India which clearly indicates that the contribution of India in elephant analysis is important. The highest medium of communication is journal article with 4,552 papers (88.42%) followed by conference papers with 233 papers (4.52%). Miscellaneous ranks third position with 153 (2.97%). It is observed that English is the most preferred language utilized by the researchers for communication of elephant research with 6939 papers (86.66%) followed by French with 244 (4.73%). Wernery, U. is the most prolific author in elephant analysis who has published 132 papers (2.56%) followed by Faye B with 128 papers (2.48%). It is observed that out of the five authors who contributed a lot of papers in elephant analysis, three are Indians viz., Wernery, U. 132 papers (2.56%), Sahani, M.S. 96 papers (1.86%) and Khanna, N.D. 77 Papers (1.46%).


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Bist, S. S.; Cheeran, J. V.; Choudhury, S; Barua, P. and Misra, M.K. (2002). The domesticated Asian elephant in India. Retrieved from http://www.fao.org/docrep/005/ad031e/ad031e0g.htm

Anon. (1993). Project Elephant (Gajatme), Ministry of Environment and Forest, Government of India. pp.46.

Santiapillai, C. and Jackson, P. (1990). The Asian Elephant: An Action Ptan for its Conservation, IUCN Gland.

Rathinasabapathy, G. and Rajendran, L. (2013). Mapping of World-wide Camel Research Publications: A Scientometric Analysis, Journal of Library, Information and Communication Technology. 5(1-2): 35-40.



How to Cite

Lakshmanan, R. (2015). Elephant Research Publications: A Scientometric Analysis on Cab Direct for the Period (1959-2013). Journal of Information and Knowledge, 52(6), 433–439. https://doi.org/10.17821/srels/2015/v52i6/84321
Received 2015-12-07
Accepted 2015-12-07
Published 2015-12-01