Information System for Grey Literature in India:A Model
Grey Literature, Information System.Abstract
Grey Literature is typically identified as semi published or non-conventional literature not easily ayailable through normal book selling channel and has poor bibliographic control. However, it is very difficult to define Grey Literature precisely. Organisations which produce Grey Literature prefer to describe it rather than defining it. The increasing importance of Grey Literature worldwide is evident from the three international conferences held on Grey Literature in 1993, 1995 and 1997. It is essentially developmental literature quite different from Ephemeral Literature and it is a kind of communication model. There have been no organised efforts in the country so far to capture this vital source of information. This paper attempts to present a model for establishing an independent Information System for Grey Literature in India.Downloads
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How to Cite
Gokhale, P. A. (1999). Information System for Grey Literature in India:A Model. Journal of Information and Knowledge, 36(4), 229–236.
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