Pattern of Research Contribution in National and International Fish Culture Journals:A Comparative Study
Aquaculture, Research Articles, Pattern of Research.Abstract
A total of 399 research papers published during 1996 in four leading fish culture journals namely Aquaculture, The Progressive Fish Culturist, The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture and lournal of Aquaculture in the Tropics were analysed. The contributions of Indian and international scientists on major research aspects of fish culture viz., feed/nutrition. fertilization, growth/production breeding/reproduction, hatchery/seed production, genetics and fish disease/pathology have been assessed. The analysis made reveals that the contributions of Indian scientists largely appeared in the domestic journals rather than in international journals. USA appears to be the leading contributor of research papers in two international journals viz. Aquaculture and The Progressive Fish Culturist. The country-wise contribution of research papers in dilllerent aspects of fish has also been presented. While the journals viz. Aquaculture and The Israeli lournal of Aquaculture invariably published articles from different countries, The Progressive Fish Culturist (78.43%) and Journal of Aquaculture in the Tropics (42.31 %) showed strong national bias as they mainly published contributions from their own countries. The authorship patten of contributions is also analysed and reviewed.Downloads
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How to Cite
Ezhil Rani, R. (1999). Pattern of Research Contribution in National and International Fish Culture Journals:A Comparative Study. Journal of Information and Knowledge, 36(2), 129–135.
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