Online Manuscript Submission Process

The information outlined below describes how to prepare your manuscripts for submission to the journal. We suggest you to read this in full before submitting your article.

Minimum standards for considering the submitted manuscripts for peer-reviewing

  • Papers must be written in standard English
  • Text files should be prepared in MS Word format
  • All text should be double spaced with at least 1 cm margin all sides
  • Font should be Times New Roman, 12 point
  • The articles must strictly adhere to the journal guidelines

Criteria for consideration of the submitted manuscripts

Authors to submit Original research findings as Research papers. Review articles should survey, integrate and critically examine new information accumulated in recent years in a particular subject field.

Preparation of the manuscript

All original research articles should be structured in the following manner.


The title should be concise and reflect the entire work of the submitted manuscript. Names of all authors need to be indicated below the title. Affiliation of each author should be identified by a superscript numerical. Author forcorrespondence should be indicated by an asterisk. Provide full addressincluding e-mail, fax, and telephone no of Author for correspondence.


Abstracts need not be in structured format. However, it should clearly state the purpose of the work, methods used, key findings and major conclusion drawn from the work in no more than 500 words. Use of abbreviations in abstract should be avoided however if essential should be expanded at its first appearance.


The author should provide 3 to 6 keywords, characterizing the scope of the paper, keywords should be presented below the abstract.


State the background and mention clearly the objective of the present work.


All methods used should be clearly mentioned to allow other researchers reproduce your work. Wherever required, give correct formula used for calculation of the results.


Give the major conclusion from the present study.


Acknowledge those persons who helped you in the present study by providing facilities, personal assistance and funding if any.

References & Footnotes

References to already published literature should be numbered consecutively in the text and placed within square brackets. Please adopt correct referencing methods. Papers with incorrect referencing and in-text citation are likely to be rejected.
The citations should be placed at the end of the paper in the sequence as they appear in the text. References to personal communication and unpublished literature should not be placed under references, but should be cited in the text in parentheses. Explanatory material should be given in the appendix. Examples of citations to different types of documents are given below:

(i) Journal Article

1. Gopinath, M.A. (2004) Knowledge management policies options. Journal of Information and Knowledge. 41: 145–150.

2. Neelameghan, A. & Gopinath, M. A. (1967). Research in library classification. Library Science with a Slant to Documentation. 4: 356–381.

(ii) Book/Monograph

1. Ranganathan, S R. (1957) The Five Laws of Library Science. 2nd ed. Mumbai: Asia Publishing House, 456p.

(iii) Chapter from a Book

1. Neelameghan, A. & Raghavan, K.S. (2012). Frames of knowledge: a perspective of Vedic-Hinduism and Dravidian culture. In: Cultural frames of knowledge, edited by Richard, P Smiraglia & Hur-li Lee. Wursburg, Germany, 2012, 19–61.

(iv) Conference Paper

1. Ragahavan, K.S. & Neelameghan, A. Indic cultures and concepts: Implications for knowledge organization. In 12th International ISKO Conference, 6–9 August 2012, Mysore, India, edited by A. Neelameghan & K.S. Raghavan, 2012, pp. 176–182.

(v) Report

1. Birkler, John; Smith, Giles; Kent, Gleen A. & Johnson, Robert V. (2000) An acquisition strategy, process, and organisation for innovative systems. National Defence Research Institute, RAND, USA, 2000. RAND-MR-1098-0SD.

2. Lindsay, R.S. (1999) Tests of level B suits-protection against chemical and biological warfare agents and simulants: Executive summary. Edgewood Chemical Biological Centre, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD. July 1999. 14 p. AD-A368228; ECBC-TR-047.


Tables should supplement and should not duplicate the information contained in the text. The tables should be numbered consecutively in Indo-Arabic numerals (1,2,3, etc). They should be provided with brief titles. Column headings should be brief and the units of measurement should be placed below the headings in parentheses.


Illustrations should be numbered in order of their occurrence in the text with Indo-Arabic numerals and with short descriptive captions. Line drawings should be neatly drawn and should not exceed 20 cm × 25 cm in size. Lettering should be in capital only and large enough to be legible after a reduction of 50–60 percent. Illustrations taken from other publications must be acknowledged. It is the author’s responsibility to obtain permission for reprinting such illustrations in Journal of Information and Knowledge.


Non-standard abbreviations should be shown in brackets where they are first mentioned, and these abbreviations should be used whenever the same terms appear again in the text. These abbreviations should, however, be kept to a minimum and should not be used in the title and the abstract. Usage of metric units is preferred.

Submission process

All manuscripts must be submitted online through after registering in the journal website as an author. Follow the instructions in the online submission system.

Review process

All submitted manuscripts are subjected to peer-review by at least two independent reviewers. Peer reviews are done by double blinding method where both the author and reviewer are unaware of each other. Final decision of accepting the article rests with the editor.