Jute-Gate: A Case Study on the Development of a Subject Gateway
Jute Gate, Jute Information Gateway, Subject GatewayAbstract
Documents on Jute have proliferated considerably along with the growth of the Jute Industry. The aim of this study is to develop a comprehensive single-window knowledge dissemination tool on Jute. Survey of subject gateways and Jute websites has been conducted to ascertain the need for the same. Development of a subject gateway on Jute information (i.e. Jute-Gate) is an obvious choice as there is no subject gateway on Jute, although different subject gateways have been developed across the world for disseminating qualitative information to information seekers on other subjects. A prototype Jute-Gate has been designed based on the feedback from a field survey of Jute Mills and other stakeholders using a free open-source Content Management Software (CMS) (i.e. Drupal).Downloads
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Accepted 2018-01-05
Published 2017-01-24