Implementation of the Anteriorising Common Isolates in Automatic Classification System


  • Department of Library and Information Science, University of Calcutta, Kolkata –700 073, West Bengal



Analytico Synthetic Classification, Colon Classification, Common Isolates, Anteriorising Common Isolates, Prolog, Viswamitra.


Discusses briefly the need of form divisions in library classification. Mentions the nomenclature of form divisions in different schemes, for instance it is called Anteriorising Common Isolates (ACI) in Colon Classification. Describes the procedure of knowledge representation for ACI and their respective notations, symbols etc. States the technique of selecting their respective category names to follow the facet formula. Also includes the scope of defining the specific facet formula for ACI. Illustrates steps followed in analysing titles (i.e. in the form of natural language sentence) of documents for finding out noun phrases and picking up isolate numbers, symbols, basic subjects from the frame based knowledge base designed for this purpose. Includes the treatment of three types of ACI to prepare a suitable knowledge base in the automated environment. Facet formula for ACI of Colon Classification is also included to handle it successfully following postulates and principles.


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How to Cite

Panigrahi, P. (2007). Implementation of the Anteriorising Common Isolates in Automatic Classification System. Journal of Information and Knowledge, 44(3), 225–236.
Received 2013-12-31
Accepted 2013-12-31
Published 2007-09-06