Harvesting of Additional Metadata Schema into DSpace through OAI-PMH: Issues and Challenges


  • Central Library, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur − 721302, West Bengal
  • Central Library, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur − 721302, West Bengal




Data Provider, DSpace Intermediate Metadata (DIM), Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI), IEEE-LOM, Learning Resource Metadata Initiative (LRMI), Metadata Harvesting, Qualified Dublin Core (QDC), Service Provider, MPEG-7, OAI-PMH


The focus of this paper is to present a manual for harvesting added metadata schema elements from data provider repository through PAI-PMH. Here we have attempted to extend the ability of DSpace as well as the OAI-PMH to host or share other metadata schema elements e.g. LRMI, IEEE-LOM, ETD etc. DSpace, by default, is capable of importing and exporting only Dublin Core metadata; but DSpace has the capability by which one can define his own submission form and expose customized fields to OAI-PMH request. This paper attempts to provide a guideline to a DSpace administrator to accommodate different metadata schema as well as enhancing the Interoperable capability between Data provider and Service provider repository for Importing and Exporting customized metadata Schema. This is an important concern as Institutions have different types of content and have implemented metadata schema and elements appropriate to their content.


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Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting. https://www.openarchives.org/pmh/

LRMI Metadata Terms (RDF) - Dublin Core® Metadata Initiative. http://dublincore.org/dcx/lrmi-terms/

IEEE SA - 1484.12.1-2002 - IEEE Standard for Learning Object Metadata. https://standards.ieee.org/findstds/standard/ 1484.12.1-2002.html.

Use the OAI-PMH interface. https://wiki.duraspace.org/ display/DSPACE/Use+the+OAI-PMH+interface.

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Deka D. (2007). OAI-PMH: A Tool for Metadata Harvesting and Federated Search. 5th Convention, Planner2007. Gauhati University, Guwahati, December 7-8, 2007; p. 358−66. http://ir.inflibnet.ac.in:8080/ir/bitstream/ 1944/1360/1/40.pdf.

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How to Cite

Das, A., & Sutradhar, B. (2018). Harvesting of Additional Metadata Schema into DSpace through OAI-PMH: Issues and Challenges. Journal of Information and Knowledge, 55(1), 1–7. https://doi.org/10.17821/srels/2018/v55i1/116603
Received 2017-07-09
Accepted 2018-02-15
Published 2018-02-28