Research Output of Women Faculty Members in Physics: A Scientometric Study of Select Central Universities
Central Universities, H-Index, I10-Index, India, Physics, Research Output, Women AuthorsAbstract
This paper examines the research output of women faculty in physics in 10 central universities in India. The data was collected for the period of 2011-15 (5 years). A total of 36 women physics faculty members contributed 282 papers. The study mainly focused on research output, citations, h-index, i10-index, place of women authors when writing papers jointly, proportion of women authors per paper and the central university with highest number of women authors and papers. The results showed that women authors acted as corresponding author more as compared to first or both (first and corresponding). University of Delhi topped the rank in terms of highest women contributors and papers. The ratio of women authors per article was found 0.3. Journal of Applied Physics was found to be the most preferred journal by women authors in Physics.Downloads
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Accepted 2018-04-10
Published 2018-04-30