Population Density and Urbanization: Global Research Trend Analysis through the Lens of Scopus and Web of Science


  • Department of Library and Information Science, Vidyasagar University, Midnapore – 721102, West Bengal




Coastal Zone Disaster Management, Population Density, Scientometrics, Urbanization, Urban Planning


In the last few decades, the steep rise in India’s urban population has caused rapid changes in population pattern. The main reason for this change is migration from rural to urban areas. Due to land crisis, cities like Mumbai and Kolkata are experiencing vertical growth, which causes change in population density. The ongoing process of urbanization impacts environmental, demographic, and socioeconomic heterogeneity issues. The municipal areas of cities should have basic amenities like electricity, roads, drinking water, communication, health and access to education. Here lies the question of urban planning. This paper has three distinct objectives. It aims to examine: (a) The genesis and growth of global research on urbanization and population density as reflected in two major citation databases, viz. Scopus and Web of Science; (b) The different facets of urbanization and population density research, through the two citation databases. (c) The essential bibliographic components like authorship pattern, source distribution pattern, keyword distribution pattern etc. of research output.


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How to Cite

Dutta, B. (2019). Population Density and Urbanization: Global Research Trend Analysis through the Lens of Scopus and Web of Science. Journal of Information and Knowledge, 56(6), 296–305. https://doi.org/10.17821/srels/2019/v56i6/145337
Received 2019-06-16
Accepted 2019-12-20
Published 2019-12-31