Scientometric Study of Carbon Nanotube Research in India
Scientometrics, Informetrics, Bibliometrics, Carbon Nanotube, Nanotechnology, Nanoscience, Bradford'S Law, Lotka'S Law, Research Trend, IndiaAbstract
This paper reports on a scientometric study of 834 articles on Carbon nanotube research in India spanning over the years 1999 to 2012 downloaded from Web of Science. The study analyses literature growth trends, which shows an initiation of potential growth of research in this subject since 2008. It also examines collaborations with different countries. The authorship pattern, document types involved and active Indian institutions co-coordinating research in this subject have also been studied. Bradford law of scattering was applied to identify the core journals and Lotka's law to study the authors productivity pattern.Downloads
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Accepted 2013-12-26
Published 2013-10-13