Scholarly Archives for Miscellaneous Videos and Educational Data (SAMVED)
Content Management Software, E-Learning Portal, IISc Videos, IIT Videos, NPTEL Videos, Visual LearningAbstract
In the present day, students prefer to acquire knowledge through videos and eBooks rather than reading a hard-bound book (Roberta Richards, 2012). To facilitate that precise need of students, to obtain quality videos and documents, authors have developed an offline video accessing web portal called ‘SAMVED’, a content management software that allows students and researchers looking for a one-stop spot to obtain videos and related documents created by experienced professors of IITs and IISc easily. SAMVED provides students and researchers access to video tutorials and documents provided by NPTEL via a simple, user-friendly user interface (UI) that allows users to view and download the content related to over 400 courses covering all major subject topics.Downloads
Haig Kouyoumdjian (2012). Learning Through Visuals - Visual imagery in the classroom. Psychology Today. Accessed on 30-Mar-2019. https://www.psychologytoday. com/us/blog/get-psyched/201207/learning-throughvisuals.
PostgreSQL. Accessed on 14-May-2019. https://
Roberta Richards (2012). E-Books and Student Learning. Portland Community College. Accessed: 30-Mar-2019. ebooks-and-student-learning/.
Singh, B. (2010). Modern Education System. The Pro's and Con's. The New World Order: A Liberated Mind. Accessed on 30-Mar-2019. https://bupinder21.wordpress. com/2010/08/27/modern-education-system-the-pros-andcons/.
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Accepted 2019-08-12
Published 2019-08-28