ICT Skills and Competencies of Engineering College Lis Professionals in Karnataka: a Perspective
ICTs, ICT Skills, ICT Competencies, Engineering Colleges, LIS ProfessionalsAbstract
Information Communication Technology (ICT) facilitates access to electronic information which has become invaluable and complementing traditional library services. ICTs have enabled individuals to handle information possessing effective with greater speed and accuracy regardless of the time and distance. ICTs and its tools have always been helpful in extending information services . This paper is a study of mapping the existing ICT skills and competencies of the LIS professionals working in the Engineering colleges of Karnataka. And thus comes out with suggestions in bridging the gap by stating the required knowledge, skills and competencies that has not only brought in change in the working style of LIS professionals but which are also essential for them to survive and flourish in this digital era.Downloads
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Accepted 2013-12-26