Desidoc Bulletin of Information Technology: a Bibliometric Study
Desidoc Bulletin, Library Science Journal, Bibliometric Studies, Scientometric Studies, Citation Study, DESIDOCAbstract
Research publications over a ten-year period from 1992-2002 are analyzed to assess the trends in the publication patterns in DESIDOC Bulletin of Information Technology by library and information professionals. The data collected from the 10 volumes is summarized in ten tables: volume wise distribution of contributors, authorship pattern of contributors, geographical distribution of contributors, institution wise, etc. This study reveals that total 145 articles were published in the 60 issues of the journal. Out of the 145 publications, 97 (66.90%) articles published by single author. The study also reveals that 128 items (88.28%) were contributed from India and rest 17 items (11.72%) were contributed from rest of the countries.Downloads
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Accepted 2013-12-27