Ergonomics and Library Professionals: a Study


  • PG & Research, Dept. of Library and Information Science, Bishop Heber College, Tiruchy 620 017, Tamilnadu
  • Manipal University, Dubai
  • Engineering Faculty, Avinashilingam University for Women, Coimbatore



Ergonomics, College Librarians, Job Stress, Computer Operation, Work Positions


Workplace stress has always been a source of consideration for organization that seeks to foster satisfied and motivated environment. Ergonomics, the science related to man and his work helps to design workstations and tools. The present study has made an attempt to identify the impact of ergonomics on academic library professionals. It has revealed that academic library professionals‟ perception on ergonomics is low. But they have shown problems associated with ergonomics with regard to IT tools, working posture, etc.


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How to Cite

Ally Sornam, S., Issac Arputharaj, J., & Mahalakshmi, K. (2011). Ergonomics and Library Professionals: a Study. Journal of Information and Knowledge, 48(6), 625–640.
Received 2013-12-27
Accepted 2013-12-27
Published 2011-11-10