Performance Measurement of Quality Services in Management Institutions of Bangalore


  • Virtual Learning Resource Centre, Gulbarga University Library, Gulbarga 585 106
  • SIDWIN School of Business Institute of Technology, Bangalore 560085



Quality of Service (QoS), SERVQUAL, Quality Dimensions-management


The SERVQUAL scale was developed based on a marketing perspective with the support of the Marketing Science Institute with a purpose was to provide an instrument for measuring service quality that would apply across a broad range of services with minor modifications in the scale. SERVQUAL provides a foundation for a growing body of research that pertains to the creation of quality among service industries. The study evaluates the applicability of alternative measures of service quality in a developing economy based on the analysis of data gathered from users and library staff. . The research study aims to go deeper into the realm of Quality Assessment and Use Techniques with a sincere effort to assess the performance of management libraries in rendering their quality services to the users both from librarians and users perceptions. The quality dimensions viz., Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Access, Communication, Tangibles, Empathy and Security have been applied to management institute libraries and the results indicated that the service quality dimensions of reliability, responsiveness, assurance, access, communication and tangibles are found to be average satisfactory based on the scale techniques.


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Feigenbaum (AV). Quality education and America’s competitiveness. Quality Progress. Vol. 27(9); 1994; p83-4.

Shemwell (D J); Yavas (U); Bilgin (Z). Customer-service provider relationships: an empirical test of a model of service quality, satisfaction and relationship-oriented outcomes. International Journal of Service. Vol. 9(2); 1998; p155-168.

Parasuraman (A); Valarie (A). Zeithaml and Leonard L.Berry. SERVQUAL: A Multi-Item Scale for Measuring Consumer Perceptions of Service Quality. Journal of Retailing. Vol. 64 (Spring); 1988; p12-40.

Parasuraman (A); Valarie (A Zeithaml); Leonard (L Berry). Reassessment of Expectations as a Comparison Standard in Measuring Service Quality: Implications for Further Research. Journal of Marketing. Vol. 58; January 1994; p111-124.

How to Cite

Jange, S., & Hurija, B. B. (2013). Performance Measurement of Quality Services in Management Institutions of Bangalore. Journal of Information and Knowledge, 46(3), 283–294.
Received 2013-12-30
Accepted 2013-12-30