A Study Of University Libraries Weblogs: Online Tool for Information Sharing and Dissemination
Weblogs, Blogs, University Libraries, Online Tool, Information Sharing, Information Dissemination.Abstract
Blogs have evolved from "What's New" Pages and they become arguably the most popular online personal publishing platform on the Internet. Blogs also known as weblogs, are websites that contain frequently updated "posts" with the most recent entry at the top and the previous ones displayed reversechronologically. The homepages of ten University Libraries Weblogs were selected for studying the criteria like date of content posted, links to archives, most recent entries, add links, comment facility, subject coverage, links to in-house sources, links to externals sources, and frequency of posting entries to weblog. Finally data is presented in statistical form and conclusion and suggestions are drawn.Downloads
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Accepted 2013-12-30
Published 2008-03-12