Authorship Study and Validity of Lokta's Law in Toxicology Literature


  • Department of Commerce, University of Kerala, University (P.O.) 695 034, Palayam, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala



Author Collaboration, Authorship Pattern, Collaborative Trend, Informetrics, Lotka's Law.


Drastic developments in scientific collaboration and multiple authorship vanishes the traditional concept of authorship pattern. For the study 9585 citations and 2247 articles were taken from the international database TOXLINE. In toxicology research field multiple authorship has increased and single author contribution shows steep decrease in rate. Subramanyam’s author collaboration formula is applied on the data. The famous Lokta’s law does not found fit for the study.


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How to Cite

Mini Devi, B. (2008). Authorship Study and Validity of Lokta’s Law in Toxicology Literature. Journal of Information and Knowledge, 45(2), 217–224.



Received 2013-12-30
Accepted 2013-12-30
Published 2008-06-09